Paula Mallis: Founder of WMN Space
Tell us about WMN Space and what brought you to opening this magical place?
I had been holding women’s circles in my home for the past 4 years. One night I scanned my living room and out of 50 beautiful women in the room only three were friends of mine. Women had found their way to my home through word of mouth, so that night I tuned into the idea that there should be a safe space for women to gather and have access in public to the work women were experiencing in my
You went from modeling to becoming a doula! What led you to that transition?
I had hit a cross roads in my life and wanted a more fulling path that my soul and heart were yearning for. It was through my pregnancy with my daughter that supported the ultimate transition and shift in my life. I not only birthed my daughter but new version of myself.
WMN Space has a lot of pre / pregnant / and post classes. What advise would you give to expecting and post mamas?
Community! Surrounding yourself with like minded, supportive women who are also traveling the same journey as you. Making the time to gather with pregnant women and mother’s can support your process and remind you we are not alone.
As a mother how do you maintain work / life balance?
I have a strong spiritual and self care practice. I feel most in balance in my abundant life by prioritizing “filling my cup" up first so I can be of service to my work and family.
What does empowerment mean to you?
Empowerment to me means honoring all that I am worthy of giving and receiving. Showing up in my life in a way of being that is radiating my most Authentic Self.
What do you like most about being a woman?
I love being a woman during this day and age. I feel we as women have such a huge opportunity to shift the planet's consciousness through the Divine Feminine. We have a lot of healing to do as women but I believe if we are willing to come together in a sacred way and reside in community anything is possible. Miracles Abound!
What is an ideal woman to you?
A woman who resides mostly in her Authentic Self.
Who are you crushing on and why?
I am crushing on my pregnant belly right now. I am pregnant with my second child who we have been calling in for three years!! I am beyond in awe of the pregnancy process yet again.
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